Patient Journey

A lot can happen in your life in a year, and the same goes for your hormones. Your needs change as you age so we will need to monitor you with a 6-monthly or Annual Review to ensure your treatment is still working for you. The frequency of the reviews and appropriate screening (pelvic ultrasound scan to monitor endometrial thickness and health of the ovaries) will depend on your doctor’s recommendations for your individual needs and whether your symptoms have improved and/or stabilised.
When is the right time to get in touch?

Really whenever you begin to notice any symptoms that are concerning you or affecting your lifestyle, and are not obviously caused by something else. Because the earlier I find out what’s happening, the sooner we can begin to get you happy, active and re-balanced. Hopefully our symptom checker will help you here.

Do I need to be referred by my GP?

No, a referral is not necessary. However it’s important that you are registered with an NHS GP and are attending all relevant screening programs. You should also tell your GP about any treatments you are using when you consult with them. I’ll be happy to write to your GP at any stage.

How often will you see me?

This will also depend entirely on your symptoms, and how you feel they are responding to treatment. After your initial assessment appointment, I’ll prepare a treatment plan which I like to follow up within 2 weeks, then review and adjust (if necessary) after another 2 months.

As long as you’re happy and feeling the benefits, an annual check-up – until we’re happy that you’ve finally negotiated the rapids – is my normal practice. However you must feel free to see me as often as makes you comfortable – bear in mind that I can fine-tune your treatment depending on how your symptoms respond.

Get in touch

  • By either sending us an email, booking an appointment or giving us a call
Step 1
Receive a link by email

  • to our pre-assessment questionnaire which is specifically designed to assess your current hormonal symptoms as well to inform us as to your general state of health
Step 2
Initial consultation – 60 mins

  • This involves a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms, medical history and personal goals along with an introduction as to how hormone therapy may help you. We will establish which blood tests are required and the best time to have these taken
Step 3
Initial Review – 30 mins

  • after 1-6 weeks we will discuss blood test results and plan any treatment that may be advisable. You will be able to explore the pros and cons of different types of hormone therapy to ensure that you receive the treatment most appropriate and acceptable to you. A prescription will be issued as required.
Step 4
Order Medication

  • 24 hours later – order the medication for your bespoke treatment plan using one of our online pharmacy portals.
Step 5
Monitor Your Symptoms

  • around 8 weeks later – you should be noticing changes in your symptoms as a result of your HRT regimen
Step 6
Meds & Bloods Review

  • Every 3-6 months – Medication and blood test review 30 mins Your doctor will review your progress and make any necessary changes to your treatment plan depending on your symptoms and blood test results. The frequency of reviews and need for blood test will depend on your progress.
Step 7
12 Months & Beyond

  • all patients must have an annual review with a blood test, blood pressure and progress check. Any changes to your medical history will be assessed and it may be necessary for you to have additional monitoring such as a pelvic ultrasound scan to assess your endometrial thickness. Failure to have an annual review will result in your Doctor being unable to prescribe any more medication for you.
Get in touch

  • By either sending us an email, booking an appointment or giving us a call
Step 1
Receive a link by email

  • to our pre-assessment questionnaire which is specifically designed to assess your current hormonal symptoms as well to inform us as to your general state of health
Step 2
Initial consultation
– 60 mins

  • This involves a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms, medical history and personal goals along with an introduction as to how hormone therapy may help you. We will establish which blood tests are required and the best time to have these taken
Step 3
Initial Review – 30 mins

  • after 1-6 weeks we will discuss blood test results and plan any treatment that may be advisable. You will be able to explore the pros and cons of different types of hormone therapy to ensure that you receive the treatment most appropriate and acceptable to you. A prescription will be issued as required.
Step 4
Order Medication

  • 24 hours later – order the medication for your bespoke treatment plan using one of our online pharmacy portals.
Step 5
Monitor Your Symptoms

  • around 8 weeks later – you should be noticing changes in your symptoms as a result of your HRT regimen
Step 6
Meds & Bloods Review

  • Every 3-6 months – Medication and blood test review 30 mins Your doctor will review your progress and make any necessary changes to your treatment plan depending on your symptoms and blood test results. The frequency of reviews and need for blood test will depend on your progress.
Step 7
12 Months & Beyond

  • all patients must have an annual review with a blood test, blood pressure and progress check. Any changes to your medical history will be assessed and it may be necessary for you to have additional monitoring such as a pelvic ultrasound scan to assess your endometrial thickness. Failure to have an annual review will result in your Doctor being unable to prescribe any more medication for you.


reported their menopause symptoms impacted on their sex life

* May 2016 survey conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of the British Menopause Society (BMS) –