Trusted Partners

At The Women’s Hormone Clinic we realise that achieving wellness in a hormonal transition is rarely just as simple as a prescription for HRT. Truly holistic care frequently involves making diet and lifestyle changes which can be easy in theory, but hard to put into practice without some extra support. It is also common to suffer with more specific concerns such as sexual dysfunction or bladder weakness where a more specialist approach is required. This is where our trusted partners come in, a team of specially selected individuals who are able to support you along your journey. Your doctor may suggest a referral to one of them during  your consultation or you are free to contact them yourself directly.
Nutritionist - Amber Cotton

As a peri-menopausal mother of teens, I have first-hand experience of the power of nutrition to help reduce the triggers that cause unwanted hormonal symptoms and weight gain. I also know that our daily lives are so hectic that it is easy to feel daunted by the thought of making big changes to our diet and lifestyle, or to feel that we simply don’t have the time.

I have a keen interest in female health, particularly focusing on menstrual, hormone, and weight-loss issues. I help my clients to understand more about their health, and to appreciate how their dietary and lifestyle choices can affect their delicate hormone balance, their energy and their weight. I am passionate about supporting them to understand the reasons why their symptoms are occurring, as this will help their engagement with long-term changes.


  • Female hormone-related issues from teen to post menopause, including PMS, period issues, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), peri-menopause, and menopause
  • Other hormone-related issues including thyroid and adrenal health
  • Day-to-day energy and fatigue issues
  • Mental wellbeing – ‘brain fog’, anxiety, mood swings
  • Weight loss support
  • Bone health
  • Nutrigenomic/DNA testing to discover how an individual’s inherited health risks can be reduced using nutrition and lifestyle changes

If you think that I may be able to help you to take back control of your health issues then book a FREE Health Strategy Call via my website, or email me [email protected]

Lifestyle Coach - Victoria Perkins

My name is Victoria and as a Health Coach, I work with women who are in the perimenopause or menopause who for one reason or another find themselves in a confusing and frustrating place. They may be gaining weight, suffering from low motivation, be low in energy or just feel out-of-sorts. Research now shows that we can make effective health gains by implementing personal changes to our diet, movement and day-to-day habits. However, we all know that making these changes can be hard and that is where coaching comes in.

Coaching is a unique tool in your self-care journey because it can be the key to unlocking the self-awareness necessary to create truly life-changing habits. . As a Health Coach, I have the skills and expertise to guide you this process, giving you the ability to self-manage your way through difficult and challenging times

If you feel ready for this powerful and non-judgemental support, please contact me to arrange a free, introductory call – visit my website for more information, or email me [email protected].

Psychosexual Therapist - Emma Waring

I have worked as a nurse and psychosexual therapist in the field of sexual medicine for over 20 years.

When working with clients I will often refer to ‘seasons of sex’, recognising that are many things that we face in life that can impact the way our bodies respond sexually and our sexual desire. Perimenopause and menopause is one such season. Genitourinary Syndrome of the Menopause (GSM) is a condition where women are more susceptible to urinary problems and vaginal issues which can often be triggered or exacerbated by sex. This can affect a woman’s desire to want to be sexual and if a couple are not used to talking about their sex life, navigating these challenges and implementing a plan can be difficult. For some women and couples, the menopause can be a liberating time sexually because it encourages couples to have candid conversations (sometimes for the first time) about their sex life and this can result in greater emotional intimacy, increased sexual pleasure and as a result increased sexual desire.

As a Psychosexual nurse therapist, I can see individuals or couples, and provide a safe and confidential space to listen carefully as they describe their sexual problems. There is a thorough assessment to see whether these difficulties are caused by psychological or physical factors – or both – and a treatment plan is then developed. I take a holistic approach when tailoring their treatment plan, considering each individual’s physical and emotional needs.

I offer both a medical and therapeutic approach when working with clients. This means I combine talking therapy, which involves analysing feelings, behaviours and thought patterns, and  also discussing the relationship. I combine this with covering the practical issues, and recommending practical steps.

Once the initial assessment has been completed we formulate a treatment plan. For some women or couples I may see them for just one or two sessions and for others the work might be longer term.  To arrange an appointment , or to learn more about the services I offer please visit my website, or email me [email protected].

Sleep Specialist - Kathryn Pinkham

I am the founder of The Insomnia Clinic, one of the UK’s only specialist insomnia services, and since 2008 I have focused on just one thing, helping people to sleep well so that they can live their life to the fullest. My step-by-step process has helped thousands of people improve the quality of their sleep and transform their lives. If you’re struggling with your sleep due to menopause, why not try my Sleep Well, Live Better With Menopause Course? Teaching you how to fall asleep easily and sleep through the night during menopause, many people see improvements in just a few days Providing simple information and a step-by-step process to fix your sleep, the course will clearly guide you through the simple steps to improve your sleep, including everything you would receive in face-to-face sessions. Plus, I am there to provide ongoing support throughout the entire programme.

Massage Therapist - Clare Baker

Clare Baker

Treatments for what life throws at you and how that shows up in your body’

I have been working as a massage therapist for 20 years. Originally training in holistic massage, I have broadened my experience into many different aspects of bodywork during that time, before returning to where I started.

Our bodies are such wonderful, complicated things and can often bear the brunt of the demands that life brings. This can show up in many ways: tiredness, overwhelm, discomfort, aches and pains, sleeplessness. The list can be endless. And what causes problems for one person, may not for someone else – and vice versa. We are all different.

I provide restorative massage treatments for the individual you are. And for me this means the whole person that you are – body, mind and soul. Whether you have pain and discomfort or need space to switch off (or both), I believe that there is no one way of treating the body, it varies for each of us. This is reflected in the way that we might work together, creating a treatment that is tailored specifically for you.

This is particularly important when supporting you in perimenopause and menopause. The impact of hormones varies hugely and consequently so can your experiences around this deeply individual and potentially challenging aspect of your health. Your body can feel like it is changing dramatically during these times and this may feel confusing, scary and painful. Treatments provide a place to allow your body to be whatever it needs to be in that moment, to receive care at the level it is able to do so and give you some time for your nervous system to be supported.

The aim of our work together is to provide a space in which you feel heard and understood, where empathy and understanding are as integral as the touch used to soothe and ease your body. So that you feel more resourced as a whole and able to move through the world in your way, at your pace, with greater ease.

For more information, please visit my website:

Or for an informal chat or more information, feel free to contact me:

t: 07776 116105

e: [email protected]

Pelvic Health Physiotherapist - Claire Higgins

Claire Higgins

As a mum of a 10 year old I understand first hand the impact pelvic floor dysfunction can have. I wanted to learn more to help myself and others. Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction can be distressing and often emotive, but the good news is there is help. I’m passionate about helping people make sense of their symptoms and find solutions to enable them to get the most out of life.

An assessment with Sunnydale Physiotherapy starts with hearing your story, understanding your key issues, bringing together a picture of where you are now, how you got here and crucially where you want to get to. After a thorough assessment we come up with a plan together, work out next steps, making it all achievable, giving you realistic short term goals. In devising your tailor-made plan, I draw from my experience and training in whole body physiotherapy, pilates, acupuncture and specific pelvic health training.

Conditions treated include:

  • Urinary and bowel incontinence
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM)
  • Pelvic pain (including endometriosis)
  • Post natal body checks (The Mummy MOT)
  • Pregnancy related pain (including pelvic girdle pain)
  • Sexual dysfunction (including vaginismus)

To contact me or book online visit my website or email me at [email protected] or call 07990538051.

Aromatherapist - Jo Kellett

Jo Kellet

Hi, I’m Jo an Aromatherapist with over 28 years of experience in practice.

My area of speciality is women’s health and well-being, focusing on menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.

Alongside my private practice I teach essential oil therapeutics and massage at diploma level and CPD (continuing professional development). I am a published author and frequently write about the efficacy of aromatherapy for journals, magazines and other publications.

I love how the application of massage and essential oils can be so powerful. Essential oils are concentred aromatic extracts from individual plants to support our health. Humans have used plant medicine for centuries and aromatherapy is a formalised extension of this.

Each essential oil has its own unique set of therapeutic properties that can support diverse needs, including hormonal balance, skin care, digestive issues, sleep concerns, aches and pains and emotional support. Today, through modern research, we have a better understanding of their beneficial actions that mirrors how they have been used for millennium.

At your first appointment I will take a detailed consultation that allows me to ascertain your needs and rule out any cautions or contraindications to the oils or massage. I then create a bespoke blend of essential oils and apply this via massage to support you on that day and going forward!

For more information, please visit my website

Or contact me [email protected] 07970 773030



reported their menopause symptoms impacted on their sex life

* May 2016 survey conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of the British Menopause Society (BMS) –